You can find on this page the Washington DC trains map to print and to download in PDF. The Washington DC trains map presents the rail network and railway stations of the trains of Washington DC in USA.

Washington DC rail map

The Washington DC rails map shows all the railway stations and lines of Washington DC trains. This railway map of Washington DC will allow you to easily plan your route with the trains of Washington DC in USA. The Washington DC rails map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

MARC (Maryland Area Regional Commuter) (reporting mark MARC), known prior to 1984 as Maryland Rail Commuter Service, is a regional/ commuter rail system comprising three lines in the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area as its mentioned in Washington DC rail map. MARC is administered by the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA), a Maryland Department of Transportation agency, and is operated under contract by CSX Transportation and Amtrak in Washington DC.

All three lines of Maryland MARC rail system begin at Union Station in Washington DC where passengers can transfer to the Washington Metro Red Line; Metrorail service in Washington DC is also provided to New Carrollton (Orange Line) and, College Park — University of Maryland and Greenbelt (Green Line); and Silver Spring and Rockville stations in Montgomery County (Red Line) as you can see in Washington DC rail map.

The local rail passenger service of Washington DC now called MARC Train Service has actually operated since the 1830s on what is now known as the Camden Line, and since the mid-to-late 19th century on the Penn and Brunswick Lines. The Washington DC rail service now operated by CSX was formerly the B&O local train service (Camden and Brunswick lines as its shown in Washington DC rail map).